Informações do ticket



Select File No file selected

Extensões de arquivos permitidas: .jpg, .gif, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .pptx, .ptx, .mp3, .mp4, .zip, .rar, .ai, .psd, .eps, .doc, .docx

(ex: 8.5" x 11")

Only use this field if we are redesigning something you already have.

Only use this field if we are redesigning something you already have.

Please provide us the text you would like us to use word-for-word. If you would like a template to be created instead, let us know and we will use placeholder text.

Be as detailed as possible in telling us exactly what you would like us to do.

If there is anything specific you would like us to avoid doing, please let us know.

Attach links to data you would like cited in the project.

Attach links to any examples of other resources you would like us to take inspiration from.

What application would you like us to design this project in?

Is there anything else you want us to know?